Schoolboy glues himself to bed
A 10-year-old boy in Mexico got himself in a sticky situation trying to avoid going back to school after Christmas.
Diego was having so much fun during the holidays he decided to glue his hand to his bed so he'd be able to stay there!
His mum found him lying in bed watching TV, but his plan came unstuck. He was freed within a couple of hours and his mum sent him straight back to class.
Diego was lucky paramedics were able to remove the glue. He could have hurt himself, so don't try this at home.
His mum, Sandra Palacios, had used oil and water to try to unstick Diego for two hours before she called an ambulance.
She said: "I don't know why he did it. He's a good boy, but mischievous like all kids."
Hahahaha, pinche morrillo. Tiene suerte de no tener el padre ke yo tengo. Graviel me hubera mandado con todo y cama a la escuela para ke seme kitara lo buey; oh, y mas aparte la chinga ke me hubiera puesto.
P.D. Ahora ke lo recuerdo, me mando ala escuela con sarampion, virgwela, diarrea, tos, gripa, vomito, a graviela con la nariz rota y alberto con la pata kebrada. Hahahaaahaahahahahaha, me cae de maiz, nunca faltamos ala escuela. Es mas, una vez ke me suspendieron ala escuela hizo ke me regresaran a clases en 2 horas. Asi era!!!
JajajAjajajaajja una vez, Alberto, no encontraba un zapato, y tu papá le dijo que si no lo encontraba le iba a dibujar uno jajajaja pero que ahuevo tenía que ir a clases.
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